Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 32

Seems like the weeks are just flying by! I hope they continue to because Joe just left for his deployment! On the way to dropping him off, I saw a partial rainbow! :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 31

This weekend Joe and I volunteered to help with the Futemna Air Show. They had static displays of several different planes, and they brought one of the KC-135s over as well. Not only did they have the planes, but they had all sorts of performances, including my favorite, a childrens group of Eisa Dancers. Joe's plane. The KC-135.

A Japanese family dressed in traditional kimonos.

Shi-Shi dog.

Dragon performance.

Eisa dancer.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 30

This weekend there was a joint birthday celebration on the beach for me, Christian and Garett (two guys from the squadron). It turned out to be an extremleyyyy HOT sunny summer day. There was a quick rain shower, but since the sun was still out, we got a pretty rainbow! It was a great time, but due to the heat, I had to call it quits early because I was just too hot!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 29

Picutres from when we took my parents to the aquarium!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 28

My parents are in town!!!
View from m parents hotel.
Dad at the Vending Machine Restaurant.

Shuri Castle.
Walking up to Shuri Castle
On the way to Shuri Castle

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 27

This week FLEW by and I hardly had the chance to take any pictures! I've been super busy tutoring, so my first picture is of one of my students working in their "spelling sailboats".

The second one of obviously Brody. How precious is he? It was his birthday last week... Happy 3rd Birthday, Brody!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week 26

Joe and I ventured out to Renaissance Hotel. It's a 4-star hotel with a private resort. You can buy a day-pass to use their beach and pools for the day and we've been dying to try it since last year!!! We had a blast and the weather was perfect! We can't wait to go back and try a swimming with the dolphins session that they offer!

Have I mentioned how much I love living on a tropical island?! :)